Quests in this game are role play situations created by
the staff or by the very players themselves that allow a character to have a mini adventure outside of a normal day. In this
RPG there are currently three kinds of quests: RP Quests, Battle Quests, Multi-Battle Quests. The general form of a quest
looks like this:
Earth Quest: Stop Thief! A thief has stolen a large sum of money from a local bank. Stop him before
he gets away! Difficulty: Beginner Reward: +100 Power Level and +200 Zeni
Quests can have any amount of rewards,
from Power Level, new techniques, or attacks. Once you complete a quest, you post it in the Planet forum your character is
located at in this format:
[Quest] (Name of Quest)
Ex. [Quest] Stop Thief!
Some quests must be done in
a certain order, or a chain of quests. These are distinguished by a word and a number in brackets. For example:
Kai's Planet: [1]Get Training! King Kai's Planet: [2]Catch Bubbles!
These must be done in order from 1 - however
many there are.
After the quest is over, a quick out of character (OOC) statement saying so is required. Staff, to
see if you have completed the quest to the difficulty the quest is set at, will then judge quest role plays. If the staff
member that reviews the post(s) feels like you did not work the quest out fully, no reward will be given and you will be asked
to revise the post(s).
Each character is only able to do each quest once. Each quest has a minimum word requirement, however this is not followed
completely. So long as the staff feels you completed the Quest to the best of your ability rewards will be given. These minimums
are a standard that the staff can enforce, but are not bound to.
Quest Requirements: Difficulty: Beginner: Must
be at least 400 words in length Below Average: Must be at least 800 words in length Average: Must be at least 1,500
words in length Above Average: Must be at least 2,000 words in length Difficult: Must be at least 2,500 words in length Impossible:
Must be at least 3,500 words in length
RP Quests An RP quest is a quest in which your characters
stats, attacks, and PL do not play a role in the completion of the quest. These quests are completed based on writing skill
and story telling only. RP quests tend to give the lowest rewards, as there is no danger or little requirement for you to
finish them.
Spar Quests A Spar Quest is a quest that contains a Spar. These quests follow the
same rules as spars. Damage and HP/KP loss are calculated normally, however after the quest (Regardless of the outcome) all
of the lost HP or KP is returned to what they previously were before the quest.
Battle Quests A
Battle Quest is a quest that contains a real fight. These quests are affected by what techniques you know, your PL, and your
stats. A true danger exists in these fights since it is possible to fail by the death of your character. Every battle quest
contains an NPC with real stats, HP and KP, attacks, and techniques listed in the quest’s description. It is advised
that players review the stats of any NPCs inside Battle Quests and judge if your character is able to complete the quest.
Quests A Multi-Battle Quest is a Battle Quest in which your character fights multiple opponents at the same time.
These quests follow the rules of Multiple Character Fights in the Fights section in the rules.

Sometimes, as a strong fighter, relying on others
or meaningless tasks to get down to the nitty gritty and do some real conditioning isn't your style. Self training is an open
ended role play that does not include others that you role play yourself training. It has no minimum requirement, and Power
Level gained are based on role play length and detail. After the self-train session is over, a quick out of character (OOC)
statement saying so is required.
Rewards for a Self Train:
All of the Power Level reward received is from the RP element of the Self Train. More Power Level is given depending on the
length, content, and quality of the role play done. This Power Level received follows the general guidelines below:
-Short and bad grammar, +150 PL
-Short and good grammar, +250 PL
-Medium and bad grammar, +300 PL
-Medium and good grammar, +500 PL
-Long and bad grammar, +550 PL
-Long and good grammar, +900 PL
Any character may only Self-Train once in any week, and it must be posted in the planet forum you
are located on in this format:
[Self-Train] (Anything)
Ex. [Self-Train] A day at the beach

Personal Role Play:
one every said that you cannot just role play for the sake of doing so, whether it is to explain your characters history,
meet members of the RPG, make new friends and new enemies, or any other act that not listed here. Rewards are given for Personal
RPs, but as you might expect they are much lower than any other form of training.
Rewards for a Personal RP:
All of the Power Level reward received is from the RP element of the Personal RP. More Power Level is given depending on the
length, content, and quality of the role play. This Power Level received follows the general guidelines below:
-Short and bad grammar, +50 PL
-Short and good grammar, +100 PL
-Medium and bad grammar, +150 PL
-Medium and good grammar, +200 PL
-Long and bad grammar, +250 PL
-Long and good grammar, +300 PL

Campaigns or Sagas are very in-depth, well told stories
that involve a large number of the players located on this RPG. These campaigns/sagas can be compared to the 'sagas' in the
Dragonball Z show, where the characters will be presented against a large-scale task that requires a great amount of time,
effort, and role playing. As a result, the rewards for the Campaigns are the greatest of all. Staff will create campaigns
ultimately, but members may make suggestions or post ideas in an OOC forum. No Power Level will be rewarded for any quest
inside of a saga, until the end of the saga and winners and losers are decided. Large scale Power Level and Zeni rewards will
be given, along with special items or abilities, depending on the saga.

Weekly Increase
Every week, staff gives every character that has made
at least 3 posts including a role plays +300 Power Level. This Power Level will be attempted to be given out every Monday.
Also a detailed report of each character's gains and effort during the week will be posted in the Weekly Gain forum. Exceptional RPers during the week will receive a bonus to their weekly Power Level increase.