Universal Travel
When your character decides to leave the nest and venture
out to another planet, he or she must fly there via space ship. Each space ship trip takes a number of OOC days, meaning days
in real life, or actual time. The number of days in travel time you have is dependent on two factors, the speed of your craft,
and the distance you are traveling.
Your Speed: The speed of your craft is denoted by a ranking
system that is very simple, S1 (speed 1), S2 (speed 2), and S3 (speed 3), S1 being the slowest and S3 being the fastest. This
speed is known when you purchase your ship, and can be upgraded to a higher rank with items.
Distance Traveled: This
is based on the travel distance chart located below
Role Playing in your Ship: While traveling,
you may role play as normal in the confines of your ship. Ships can be upgraded to hold training rooms so that you may train
while traveling to another planet. When you decide to go to another planet, just post you are doing so and role play it happening.
On the other hand, whenever you own a ship you may role play in it, even without traveling. If you have gravatrons and training
areas in your ship, you can train in them.
The Planets
Earth is the home of the humans. Earth, being a planet that is mostly water, is very livable
and has a very pleasant climate. The humans are a weaker race than most, but they thrive in technology, making such things
as flying cars, space ships, and advanced weaponry. Earth contains the Room of Spirit and Time, which can be trained inside,
Capsule Corporation, and the Earth DragonBalls. The Earth DragonBalls are the weaker of the 2 sets of balls. Earth’s
gravity is base of 0; every other planet's gravity is based off of Earth's. Main NPCs that can be found on Earth are as follows: Kami Koren Master
Roshi Baba
Planet Vegeta is home to the Saiyan Race. It is a primitive planet,
with little technology. The Saiyans however do have imported devices used for transportation and healing. They got these devices
by taking over planets for a set hefty fee. Vegeta's gravitational pull is x10 of that of Earth, which causes any character
located on Vegeta to gain an extra 100 Power Level to any form of training or fighting. Main NPCs that can be found on Vegeta
are as follows: King Vegeta
Namek is the home of the Namekians. This Planet's
inhabitances are a simple farming race, living in small villages in technologically advanced huts. The Namekians are peaceful,
and they are the keepers of the Namekian DragonBalls, which are the more powerful of the two. Namek itself is more than eighty
percent water and mosly barron and rocky. Namek's gravity is comparable to Earths. Main NPCs located on Namek are: Guru
Next Dimension:
The Next Dimension consists of 4 main places, Hell, Heaven, North Kai's Home Planet, and Grand
Kai's Palace. When you die, you first travel to a place that is 'between worlds', under the rule of King Yamma. You are placed
before the king, and judged. Your alignment changes your destination. All evil characters are cast into Hell, while good characters
travel to Heaven. While in Heaven, you may ask for King Yamma's permission to travel along snake way to visit King Kai. If
you a considered a supreme fighter while with King Kai, you may receive an invitation to travel to Grand Kai's Palace.
Hell Hell,
or the Home for Infinite Losers, is a dark and evil place filled with all sorts of demons and deceased villains. The main
NPCs in Hell are: Ogres
Heaven: Heaven is a very peaceful and tranquil place in which spirit essences
for former bodies roam around and 'live' in eternal happiness. The main NPCs in Heaven are: King Yamma
Kia's Planet North Kia's Planet is specifically for training, having the same gravitational pull as Planet Vegeta.
All training and fights have an increased Power Level reward of 100. Main NPCs on North Kia's Planet are: King Kai
Kai's Palace You are only sent here by personal invitation by Grand Kai himself. You can participate in an inter-universe
budokai if you are lucky enough to represent King Kai. You can also train here with other fighters that are deceased. The
Main NPCs in Grand Kai's Palace are: Grand Kai
An odd fish-like race with
telepathic abilities lives here. Not much else is known about this planet. Further investigations and explorations need to
be conducted. Rumor has it that any person living on this planet develops psychic abilities as well.
to a telepathic people, Yardrat encompasses an advanced society with large baron rock wastelands. Yardrat is the home to many
telepathic and elemental abilities.
Dark Star:
A lightless, desolate world where evil seams
to flourish. The creatures on this planet are used to the darkness, and use it to their advantage. Its gravitational pull
is x50 of that of Earths, so it makes a very good training planet. Any character located on this planet gains 400 Power Level
extra to all training and fights. You must be at least 100,000 in power level to be on this planet. If you are under 100,000
and you land on this planet, you are sent to the after life.
Planetary Travel Chart:
Dark Star
S1: 5 days
S2: 4 days
S3: 3 days
S1: 4 days
S2: 3 days
S3: 2 days
S1: 7 days
S2: 5 days
S3: 4 days
S1: 9 days
S2: 8 days
S3: 7 days
S1: 12 days
S2: 10 days
S3: 8 days
S1: 5 days
S2: 4 days
S3: 3 days
S1: 3 days
S2: 2 days
S3: 1 day
S1: 4 days
S2: 3 days
S3: 2 days
S1: 6 days
S2: 5 days
S3: 4 days
S1: 14 days
S2: 12 days
S3: 10 days
S1: 4 days
S2: 3 days
S3: 2 days
S1: 3 days
S2: 2 days
S3: 1 day
S1: 3 days
S2: 2 days
S3: 1 day
S1: 7 days
S2: 6 days
S3: 5 days
S1: 13 days
S2: 11 days
S3: 9 days
S1: 7 days
S2: 5 days
S3: 4 days
S1: 4 days
S2: 3 days
S3: 2 days
S1: 3 days
S2: 2 days
S3: 1 day
S1: 4 days
S2: 3 days
S3: 2 days
S1: 15 days
S2: 13 days
S3: 11 days
S1: 9 days
S2: 8 days
S3: 7 days
S1: 6 days
S2: 5 days
S3: 4 days
S1: 7 days
S2: 6 days
S3: 5 days
S1: 4 days
S2: 3 days
S3: 2 days
S1: 20 days
S2: 17 days
S3: 15 days
Dark Star
S1: 12 days
S2: 10 days
S3: 8 days
S1: 14 days
S2: 12 days
S3: 10 days
S1: 13 days
S2: 11 days
S3: 9 days
S1: 15 days
S2: 13 days
S3: 11 days
S1: 20 days
S2: 17 days
S3: 15 days