Attacks, The Basics
Many attacks in this RPG are
created by the user and can be creative and original as they wish so long as they do not perform special actions such as power-ups
or holding moves. Other attacks are learned throughout the RPG in quests, from NPCs, and other characters. Every attack is
ki or physical based, physical damage being based on strength and ki using energy and having damage based on ki power.
Damage and Energy Use: If an attack did 3+(POW x3) damage, if the character that performed it had a Power modifier
of +2, the attack would do 3 + (2 x 3), or 9 HP damage.
Alternatively, if a ki attack would cost 6+KI in Ki Points,
if the character that used the attack had a Ki modifier of +3, it would use 9 KP.
Grades of Attacks: Each
attack has a grade, based on the damage of the attack and the KP used if the attack is ki based. Physical and ki based attacks
have different grades.
Physical attacks are graded as follows: Minute: 2+(POW x3) damage Small: 3+(POW x3)
damage Average: 4+(POW x3) damage Moderate: 5+(POW x3) damage Large: 6+(POW x3) damage Mega: 7+(POW x3) damage Super:
8+(POW x3) damage Ultimate: 10+(POW x3) damage
Ki attacks are graded as follows: Minute: 4+(KI x3) damage and
4+KI cost in KP Small: 6+(KI x3) damage and 6+KI cost in KP Average: 8+(KI x3) damage and 8+KI cost in KP Moderate:
10+(KI x3) damage and 10+KI cost in KP Large: 12+(KI x3) damage and 12+KI cost in KP Mega: 16+(KI x3) damage and 16+KI
cost in KP Super: 20+(KI x3) damage and 20+KI cost in KP Ultimate: 26+(KI x3) damage and 26+KI cost in KP
New Attacks Attack Points are gained from increasing your Battle Level. Attack points are spent when learning
a new attack and have many other uses as well. Starting with Minute, each grade higher costs one additional Attack Point to
learn. For example, Minute costs 1 attack point to learn, Small costs 2 attack points to learn, and Average costs 3 attack
points to learn. You must role play learning the attack, running through how your character came up with the attack, and how
he/she mastered it. At the end and after being approved by staff, write a description and name of the attack, whether it is
ki or physical, the damage and/or energy cost of the attack, and the grade of the attack. Learning attacks must be posted
in the Planet forum you are on, following this format:
[Learning Attack] (Name of Move)
Ex. [Learning Attack]
Inherent Attacks: Every character has several attacks that can be used during a spar
or fight that is not considered an attack learned; Punches, Kicks, and Ki Blast. All of these simple attacks cannot be upgraded,
modified, or changed in any way. All inherent attacks are considered Minute grade if used in battle. Inherent attacks known
are as follows:
Ki Blast: Ki Attack 2+KI damage and +KI cost in KP
Cross Punch: Physical Attack
1+POW damage
Right Hook: Physical Attack 1+POW damage
Over Head Pound: Physical Attack
3+POW damage, takes up 2 attacks in a Grapple and Combo
Slap or Flick: Physical Attack 1 damage
Kick: Physical Attack 1+POW damage
Axe Heal Kick: Physical Attack 3+POW damage, takes up 2 attacks
in a Grapple and Combo
Roundhouse Kick: Physical Attack 1+POW damage

Attacks, Advanced
Charging: There are two
ways a character can charge an attack. The first is when a character needs a certain number of turns in order to charge the
attack and use it. This is shown by:
"Takes X turns to charge, then on the Xth turn use the attack." Meaning the
attack takes some number of turns to charge, and is fired on the turn after the charge is complete.
The second way
to charge an attack is when you have the option to charge more energy into an attack, making it more powerful and do more
damage. Charging attacks to add damage is denoted by "Chargeable". You may charge to add damage to an attack for any number
of turns, and the attack is fired the turn after charging is complete.
Both applications of charge are negated if
the character is stunned or held during the charge. “Chargeable” can be added to an attack by spending an attack
Each different grade of attack has a different damage and cost that can be added for each turn spent charging
as follows: Minute: +KI damage and +KI cost in KP Small: 1+KI damage and +KI cost in KP Average: 2+KI damage and
+KI cost in KP Moderate: 3+KI damage and +KI cost in KP Large: 3+KI damage and +KI cost in KP Mega: 4+KI damage and
1+KI cost in KP Super: 4+KI damage and 1+KI cost in KP Ultimate: 5+KI damage and 2+KI cost in KP
Upgrading: Attacks
created by your character can be upgraded to the next grade, allowing you to increase the power of the attack, though attacks
learned in special events cannot be upgraded. To upgrade an attack, post in the character sheet upgrade forum that you are
upgrading the attack, what attack is being upgraded, to what grade, and what the damage and/or energy cost has been changed
to. Upgrading to the next higher grade costs 1 attack point. An example would be upgrading Kamehameha Wave from Average grade
to Moderate grade by spending your 1 attack point your character had gotten from gaining a Battle Level, changing the damage
from 8+(KI x3) damage to 10+(KI x3) damage and 8+KI cost in KP to 10+KI cost in KP.
Ki Battle: Once
per fight or spar, any character may use a Ki attack to attempt to disperse or fend off another character's Ki attack. When
a character uses a Ki attack against you, and you decide to perform a Ki Battle, as your defense, you attack with a ki attack.
Doing this also takes up your action for that turn. The winner of the Ki battle is the one with the strongest beam, or the
beam that does the most damage. If the beams have the same damage within 2 points of damage, the Ki blasts cancel out one
another. The loser of the Ki battle takes damage equal to the damage of both beams added together. During a Ki Battle, your
character may 'put everything he's got' into his beam by reducing his KP to 0, so long as he has at least 1 KP, and doubling
the 'damage' of your beam. This doubled damage does not add to the damage taken by the loser of the battle, but is used to
win the battle itself. Putting everything you've got into your beam takes up the action for that turn, as does the ki battle
Grapple: Once in a fight or spar during your turn you may attempt to start a grapple. A
grapple is a signature event in Dragonball Z when characters attack each other in rapid succession, punching, kicking, blocking,
and dodging each other’s attacks that can barely be seen by the naked eye. When attempting to start a grapple, you must
state in your OOC post at the end of your turn that you are starting to grapple. Each turn that you are inside a grapple,
including the turn you attempt to start one, you perform five attacks that can only be basic physical attacks (the physical
attacks known inherently by every character).
After attempting to start a grapple and performing your five inherent
physical attacks, your opponent may continue the grapple; dodge/block possible attacks and perform five basic physical attacks
himself. Alternatively, the opponent may deny the grapple and treat the five attacks performed against him normally. The character
that started the grapple cannot start another grapple for the remained of the fight/spar.
Defending inside of a
Grapple: Defending inside of a grapple is much easier for your character to dodge/block attacks than normal defending,
since you know the attacks are coming. Dodging or blocking attacks inside a grapple are considered separate from dodging or
blocking normal attacks, meaning blocking an attack inside a grapple does not take up your one block per battle. Defending
inside a grapple follows the following rules based on your Battle Level compared to the opponents:
5 or more Battle
Levels above the opponent: You may dodge/block all of the attacks performed by the opponent in his grapple.
or 4 Battle Levels above the opponent: You may dodge/block 4 of the attacks performed by the opponent in his grapple.
or 2 Battle Levels above the opponent: You may dodge/block 3 of the attacks performed by the opponent in his grapple.
in Battle Level or 1 to 2 Battle Levels under the opponent You may dodge/block 2 of the attacks performed by the opponent
in his grapple.
3 or 4 Battle Levels under the opponent You may dodge/block 1 of the attacks performed by
the opponent in his grapple.
5 or more Battle Levels under the opponent You may dodge/block none of the attacks
performed by the opponent in his grapple.
Side Effects: Some attacks may contain certain side effects
to either the user of the attack, or the defender. Some of these such side effects include damaging oneself upon using an
attack, reducing the opponents Ki Points, reducing you or your opponent's stats temporarily, etc. These effects may be included
in attacks learned by special events, or can be added to attacks you are learning or already have learned by using attack
points. Some Current Status Effects: Stun: Stun is an effect where the character that is
stunned becomes dazed and incoherent. The stunned character cannot perform any actions for the turns he is stunned, including
defending Held: Held is an effect where the character is held down by some means of ki, item, or force. The held
character cannot attack, run, or use items in the turns he is held. However, techniques that do not require movement, such
as teleport move, mind move, or a defense move may be used while held. Some holds by strong characters are unbreakable and
cannot be escaped from. Blinded: Blinded is an effect where the character that is blinded cannot see. There are
different severities of being blind: fuzzy, distorted, and blank. Fuzzy is a light blind, in which your attacks are considered
one grade lower (Damage and KP cost are not reduced) and you are considered 1 Battle Level lower in a spar/fight. Distorted
is a medium blind, in which your attacks are considered two grades lower and you are considered two Battle Levels lower in
a spar/fight. Blank is a severe blind, in which your attacks are considered three grades lower and you are considered three
Battle Levels lower in a spar/fight. Knocked Out: Being Knocked Out is another term for being at 0 HP. At 0
Hp your character is not dead… yet. When Knocked Out your character is unconscious and cannot perform any actions, and
if attacked again, is killed and sent into the next dimension Exhausted: Being Exhausted is another term for
being at lower than 5 KP. Your character feels the weight of the world on his shoulders. While Exhausted, your character is
tired and cannot perform anywhere at the maximum of his capabilities. Because of this, when Exhausted your character’s
Power Level is reduced to 50% of its maximum and your Defense is reduced to 10. For example, if Vegeta’s Power Level
was 50,000 and his Defense was 21, if he used all of his Ki Points, making him Exhausted, his PL in this effect would be 25,000
and Defense would be 10.
Other Uses of Attack Points: Attack Points do not have to be used to create
a new attack. They have many other uses as well. Attack Points may be used to add effects to an existing attacks such as the
following effects: -Chargeable -Technique (Teleport Move, Super Saiyan, Stun Move) -Adding Side effects (stun, hold,
blind, slow) -Increase damage with a harmful effect on self (Add 10 damage, but do 12 damage to self) -Damage over time
(1 damage each turn over 5 turns) -Effects under certain conditions (Add 20 damage in Ki Battle) -Reducing or Increasing
stats temporarily (+1 Power for 3 turns) -Draining HP or KP (Opponent looses 3 KP and you gain 3 KP) -Damage to KP
(Does 10 damage to opponents KP)
These are just some of the things that can be done with attack points. All of these
can be as creative as the character wishes, but an Admin must be consulted to approve of the addition.