King Vegeta's Legacy


Bring'in home the bacon!

Jobs bring in a net Zeni per week or Zeni based on commission. Jobs are gotten by meeting requirements involving Intelligence, Power Level, or possibly other stats that your character has. Jobs are Planet based and you must be located on the Planet you have your job on for at least 4 out of a 7 day OOC week, unless otherwise stated, in order to get paid.

Jobs normally do not require any RP to gain Zeni each week. As long as you are an active player, you will get the amount your Job pays per week unless there is a special action required to do the job (Such as a Bounty Hunter or Body Guard). Often doing a job reaps other rewards besides the money involved. Some jobs can increase Power Level and make characters more physically fit or more mentally sharp. Other jobs allow you to get a promotion after so long of having a lower job. When getting a new job or promoting your old one, post in the Job Application page, including the job name your are applying for and the planet you are on.

Having Multiple Jobs:
You may have Jobs on many planets, though you can only gain the Zeni and any other bonuses from the Job by being on one planet for 4 out of the 7 day OOC week. Any promotion you receive is saved when you leave the planet, and is re-admitted when you return.

Jobs are set up in the following format

Job Name
Pay/Other Perks
Stat Bonus (if any)

Universal Jobs

These are jobs that are gotten and participated in when your character is on any planet.

Bounty Hunter License
5,000 PL
5,000 Zeni to purchase license
After buying this license, any character in the game may hire you to do their bidding, under the price you name or they offer, to kill or attack another character for one purpose or the next. Having this license signifies you as a bounty hunter, and does not really count as having a 'job'

Body Guard License
10,000 PL
8,000 Zeni to purchase license
After buying this license, any character in the game may hire you to protect them in a time of need, either they feel threatened or just have security issues. You are paid on a weekly salary that either you state or the character you are protecting provides. Having this license signifies you as a body guard, and does not really count as having a 'job'

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