Racial Description:
Born on planet Namek, Namekians are green creatures that are normally very peaceful, and thrive in the farming industry. Nameks
are humanoid with slug-like characteristics, including green skin and antennae. They require only water for sustenance and
are adapted to a world with three suns, with at least one up at all times. They do not have gender and reproduce asexually
by spitting out an egg. They have various abilities all within a theme of being one with mind and nature, including healing
abilities, fusion, and self regeneration.
Beginning Stats:
Hit Points: 52/52
Ki Points: 38/38
Max Power Level: 500
Power: 10 (+0)
Ki: 12 (+1)
Speed: 12 (+1)
Defense: 14 (+2)
Intelligence: 12 (+1)
Racial Techniques:
Sai Sei Regeneration:
All nameks, from the time of birth, have the ability to regenerate his or her physical damage, and even limbs destroyed in
battle. This ability cannot be performed to regenerate the user's head, since it is the only region needed to use this technique.
The more regeneration performed, the longer the Namek must concentrate. This technique allows the Namek to shed his physical
aliments and remove a status effect, except Exhausted or Knocked Out, once per spar or fight.
Inherent Technique
Namekian Fusion:
By placing a nameks hands on another namek, a form of fusion, much more powerful and less complex than the fusion dance, can
be performed. Either namek may know the fusion technique, and this fusion may only take place with 2 namekians. The effects
do not last forever, but rather until either namek decides to split apart. While fused, the newly fused namekian’s Power
Level and all stats are equal to both participants in the fusion's Power Level and stats added together.
Learned the Guru quest, The fusion technique.
Healing powers to a namekian are second nature. Any well trained namekian has the ability to heal another’s wounds or
his own wounds, even from near death, completely back to full strength, both mentally and physically. Heals 10+(KI x2) HP,
costing 10+KI in Ki Points.
Learned from the Guru quest, Master Healing