Racial Description
Changelings are a race that is known for their ability to transform into different forms of themselves. They may have up to
5 forms, which each mask their power level, even to the most trained mind and most advanced scouter. While in a transformed
state lower than that of their maximum, no ki sense ability or scouter can judge the exact power level of the character. Scouters
will be incredibly off and ki sense, depending on the level, will sense that power is being held back but how much is unsure.
Changelings start with an original form of the character, along with the technique Transformation 1. They also gain 1 additional
move to start with that can only be used in Transformation 1, and every transformation technique they gain thereafter, gives
them an additional attack only in that transformation.
Beginning Stats:
Hit Points: 46/46
Ki Points: 34/34
Max Power Level: 500
Power: 14 (+2)
Ki: 14 (+2)
Speed: 12 (+1)
Defense: 10 (+0)
Intelligence: 10 (+0)
Racial Techniques:
This technique is the Changeling's ability to transform into different forms of power, masking his true power to both any
scouters and to the ki sense ability. The Changelings have attacks that only can be used in certain forms of the Changeling,
and get more attacks than any other race as they progress with transformations. As he progresses in power, more transformations
can be unlocked. The first level of this technique is inherent, while other levels must be trained for.
Inherent Technique, all other levels are self-taught once you meet the requirements
Transformation 1:
The Changeling learns one new attack, Small grade, that only transformation 1 can use. He also gains a 1 Battle Level and
1 to all stats while in this form
Transformation 2:
50,000 PL
The Changeling learns one new attack, Average grade, that only transformation 2 can use. He also gains a 2 Battle Levels and
2 all stats while in this form
Transformation 3:
250,000 PL
The Changeling learns one new attack, Large grade, that only transformation 3 can use. He also gains a 3 Battle Levels and
3 to all stats while in this form
Transformation 4:
1,000,000 PL
The Changeling learns one new attack, Mega grade, that only transformation 4 can use. He also gains a 4 Battle Levels and
4 to all stats while in this form
Transformation 5:
5,000,000 PL
The Changeling learns one new attack, Super grade, that only transformation 5 can use. He also gains a 5 Battle Levels and
5 to all stats while in this form