Racial Description:
Android are human-looking machines that have all the emotions a human would have, since they were once human themselves. They
are composed of a metal-alloy skeleton under a flesh-like fabricated 'skin', invented and engineered by Dr. Gero. Being an
android gives a few advantages over other characters. Androids never tire; though they're bodies can be worn down by shear
stress. As far as physical and ki strain, they have no limits. Androids use ki located in their core, and as long as their
core intact, they never run out of ki. Being a machine allows certain parts of the android to be upgraded and enhanced, which
spawned a slew of purchasable upgrades for the Android race.
Beginning Stats:
Hit Points: 42/42
Ki Points: 45/45
Max Power Level: 500
Power: 12 (+1)
Ki: 14 (+2)
Speed: 10 (+0)
Defense: 10 (+0)
Intelligence: 14 (+2)
Racial Techniques:
Self Repair:
With this technique, an android may repair himself from damage. This is a useful skill any android may make use of. With this
an android may also repair another android. This technique can only heal physical damage, and may only be used when the android
can be repaired; meaning if its body is nearly destroyed then repair may be out of grasp. Outside of battle, the Android may
repair himself. Repairing takes 1 OOC day and replenishes the Androids HP back to 100%. The Android may not make any other
actions, such as Training, Fighting, or Sparring, while Repairing
Self-taught once you meet the requirements
16 Intelligence
Deep within the Androids circuits, once the Fusion Power Core in upgraded, lies a hidden power that can be accessed at the
androids whim. This power can be unlocked in sections, or times, just like the Kaioken or Spiritken. But, unlike the Kaioken
and Spiritken, the Android feels no wear on its body and no drain of ki, since it is an upgrade and ki is non existent to
Androids. For every 4 times up to a maximum of 20 times (at times 4, 8, 12, 16, and 20), Androidken gives you 1 Power, 1 Speed,
and 1 Ki. For each times, Androidken gives the android 25,000 PL.
Learned when Fusion Power Core is purchased
Android Power Core:
This represents the android ability to never run out of ki, no matter what the situation. An android's power core is located
in the center of the android, and serves as the power source of ki for the entire android. The core replenishes 10% of the
android's Max KP per turn when inside of a battle or spar, and automatically replenishes all of it's KP at the beginning of
each day. Because of the Android Power Core, the Android is unable to use Rest both inside and outside of battle.
Inherent Technique